This privately run, independent and 100% free forum covers the topic of bulletin board systems and everything that goes with them. The aim is to offer former, active and future Sysops and people interested in the topic an independent platform! Notice: The content of this forum is best viewed in the "dark mode".
This forum is not intended to compete with or replace existing BBS's! Its purpose is simply to bring back here the scattered information from the WWW to collect and provide news about this hobby to the community. Ideally, it can offer help, deal with operational problems or advance planning for a new BBS, and perhaps encourage cross-platform sysops meetings in one of the various chat rooms here. But as with everything in a global community, this forum can only grow if many visitors/sysop's recognize the idea and the meaning behind it and want to share their existing knowledge/experiences here too! I HAVE A DREAM !! One person alone can never do something like this! This is only possible by forming a strong community of interests that, like me, firmly believes in preserving this beautiful and creative hobby!
As with all other BBS's, web pages, forums and portals, a registration is required to be an active member here.
Thank you very much for your understanding of this way!
Unfortunately, it is necessary to reduce the daily increasing number of spammers/fake accounts!
At Sysop's Finest it doesn't matter at all which bulletin board software and operating system is or was used!
From ABBS to ZBBS, from AmigaOS to Windows. Amiga, Apple, Atari, C64 or C128, PC or Raspberry Pi, small BBS's or large ones. The focus here is on the joy of this hobby, free of Off-topic advertising's and tracking.
To make this forum easier to use, 13 different languages have already been installed (mostly european).
The communication in the international area is carried out in english, or in the german area in ==> german :-).
Zone coordinators, scene groups, programmers and private hardware producers on this topic are also welcome and ideally round off the information on offer here!
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